Platinum IDR 200,000,000

  1. Logo recognition on the ISWBC Conference website
  2. Company profile featured on ISWBC
  3. Logo recognition on the virtual backgrounds in all sessions
  4. Logo recognition in all conference materials/publications
  5. Recognition as the Platinum sponsor at all events and in MC ad-libs
  6. Speaking opportunity in 2 sessions @15 mins (the Opening Ceremony and 1 symposium)


Gold IDR 150,000,000 

  1. Logo recognition on the ISWBC Conference website
  2. Company profile featured on ISWBC
  3. Logo recognition in the opening and closing session virtual backgrounds
  4. Logo recognition in all conference materials/publications
  5. Recognition as a Gold sponsor at all events and in MC ad-libs 
  6. 2 speaking opportunities @15 mins (in symposia)


Silver IDR 100,000,000

  1. Logo recognition on the ISWBC Conference website
  2. Company profile featured on ISWBC
  3. Logo recognition on the opening and closing session virtual backgrounds 
  4. Logo recognition in all conference materials/publications
  5. Recognition as a Silver sponsor at all events and in MC ad-libs 
  6. 1 speaking opportunity @15 mins (in a symposium)


Bronze IDR 75,000,000

  1. Logo recognition on the ISWBC Conference website
  2. Company profile featured on ISWBC
  3. Logo recognition on the opening and closing session virtual backgrounds 
  4. Logo recognition in all conference materials/publications
  5. Recognition as a Bronze sponsor at all events and in MC ad-libs 


Speaking Opportunity 

IDR 75,000,000

  1. One speaking opportunity at the Opening Ceremony @15mins.
  2. Company logo recognition on ISWBC
  3. Company profile featured on ISWBC
  4. Logo recognition on the Opening and Closing ceremony + Special Guest Lecture e-flyers and virtual backgrounds 

IDR 50,000,000

  1. One speaking opportunity at 1 symposium @30mins (including Q&A)
  2. Company logo recognition on ISWBC
  3. Company profile featured on ISWBC
  4. Logo recognition on the e-flyer for the selected symposium
  5. Logo recognition on the virtual background of the selected symposium