Platinum IDR 200,000,000
- Logo recognition on the ISWBC Conference website
- Company profile featured on ISWBC
- Logo recognition on the virtual backgrounds in all sessions
- Logo recognition in all conference materials/publications
- Recognition as the Platinum sponsor at all events and in MC ad-libs
- Speaking opportunity in 2 sessions @15 mins (the Opening Ceremony and 1 symposium)
Gold IDR 150,000,000
- Logo recognition on the ISWBC Conference website
- Company profile featured on ISWBC
- Logo recognition in the opening and closing session virtual backgrounds
- Logo recognition in all conference materials/publications
- Recognition as a Gold sponsor at all events and in MC ad-libs
- 2 speaking opportunities @15 mins (in symposia)
Silver IDR 100,000,000
- Logo recognition on the ISWBC Conference website
- Company profile featured on ISWBC
- Logo recognition on the opening and closing session virtual backgrounds
- Logo recognition in all conference materials/publications
- Recognition as a Silver sponsor at all events and in MC ad-libs
- 1 speaking opportunity @15 mins (in a symposium)
Bronze IDR 75,000,000
- Logo recognition on the ISWBC Conference website
- Company profile featured on ISWBC
- Logo recognition on the opening and closing session virtual backgrounds
- Logo recognition in all conference materials/publications
- Recognition as a Bronze sponsor at all events and in MC ad-libs
Speaking Opportunity
IDR 75,000,000
- One speaking opportunity at the Opening Ceremony @15mins.
- Company logo recognition on ISWBC
- Company profile featured on ISWBC
- Logo recognition on the Opening and Closing ceremony + Special Guest Lecture e-flyers and virtual backgrounds
IDR 50,000,000
- One speaking opportunity at 1 symposium @30mins (including Q&A)
- Company logo recognition on ISWBC
- Company profile featured on ISWBC
- Logo recognition on the e-flyer for the selected symposium
- Logo recognition on the virtual background of the selected symposium