The World Congress of Herpetology is pleased to announce support for students and early career researchers to attend the 10th World Congress of Herpetology, to be held in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia. Please return the form below to the appropriate contact person(s). We are grateful to Global Women of Herpetology, The Carl Gans Foundation, the 10WCH- Sarawak State Government, 1StopBorneo, the World Congress of Herpetology, Global Amphibian and Reptile Disease (GARD) Conference and Global Ranavirus Consortium for their generous support of the 10th World Congress of Herpetology.

Decisions on student and other travel grants have now been reached by the respective committees and are being transmitted to the successful candidates


1. Global Women in Herpetology

The Global Women in Herpetology Project is thrilled to provide two full scholarships (flight, registration and housing) to attend the World Congress of Herpetology. The applicants should present their work as a poster or talk at the WCH. The eligibility for the candidates will rotate to different regions of the world depending on where the WCH is hosted. For the 10WCH in Malaysia, eligible candidates include women based in an ASEAN nation. Scholarships will be given to one undergraduate and one graduate student, and need to present a paper or a poster at the Congress. Applications will be evaluated by the GWH organizers and a subset of the Women in Herpetology Book authors. Submit to:

Dates Grant is Open: 1 November 2023 to 15 January 2024. Results will be announced 15 February 2024.


2. Carl Gans Foundation

A generous grant from the Carl Gans Foundation will support 20–40 students and early career postdoctoral researchers wishing to present a paper or poster as a first author, from any country, at the Congress from any country and who can provide a strong justification for attendance. Support includes a contribution towards airfare and successful applicants will be reimbursed at the Congress. Submit to: Judit Vörös or David Bickford,

Dates Grant is Open: 1 November 2023 to 15 January 2024. Results will be announced 15 February 2024.


3. 10WCH – Sarawak State Government

The State Government of Sarawak through the Local Organising Committee will support the travel of students and early career postdoctoral researchers from ASEAN countries. Students need to present a paper or a poster at the Congress. The support includes airfare, accommodation and Congress registration. Submit to: Indraneil Das,

Dates Grant is Open: 1 November 2023 to 15 January 2024. Results will be announced 15 February 2024.


4. 1StopBorneo Wildlife

The Sabah-based grassroots NGO, 1StopBorneo Wildlife offers a scholarship to a student or a naturalist from Sabah, Sarawak or Brunei to attend the 10WCH. The support includes travel and basic lodging. Candidate is expected to cover Congress registration.

Submit to: Shavez Cheema,

Dates Grant is Open: 1 November 2023 to 15 January 2024. Results will be announced 15 February 2024.


5. World Congress of Herpetology

The World Congress of Herpetology will support registration and budget accommodation of 20-40 students and early career postdoctoral researchers wishing to present a paper or poster as a first author, from any country, at the Congress from any country and who can provide a strong justification for attendance. Successful applicants will be reimbursed at the Congress.

Submit to: Judit Vörös or David Bickford,

Dates Grant is Open: 1 November 2023 to 15 January 2024. Results will be announced 15 February 2024.


6. GARD24

The 2024 Global Amphibian and Reptile Disease Conference (GARD24) will be held in conjunction with WCH10. Travel grants ($1500 and $500 USD) are available for those who attend WCH10 and present at GARD24. To be eligible for a GARD24 Travel Grant, your presentation must be related to amphibian or reptile diseases. Application instructions for GARD24 are located here: The application link for GARD24 grants is: Questions can be directed to Dr. Matt Gray,

Dates Grant is Open: 1 November 2023 to 15 January 2024.

Note: Applicants for GARD24 travel grants should fill out the online application at the GARD24 link above. They do not need fill out form for the WCH10 below.